Boost Your Self-Worth

Embrace Your Inner Child and Find Your "Good Enough"

Embrace Your Inner Child and Find Your "Good Enough"

Mutter sitzt im Schneidersitz und hat ihr Kind auf dem Schoß

You Are Absolutely Okay Just the Way You Are!

First things first, I wish you a Happy New Year! May the months ahead bring only experiences that feel good and right for you.

Now, let’s talk about self-worth. Do you sometimes feel like you’re just not good enough? Welcome to the club—we’ve all been there! That nasty little feeling can hold us back, but it doesn’t mean we have to accept it. Today, let’s dive into why that “not good enough” belief is nonsense, what your childhood has to do with it, and how you can (re)claim your full power. Sounds good? Let’s go!

What Does "Good Enough" Mean?

Being "good enough" doesn’t mean being perfect. So, let’s take the pressure off right from the start. It means accepting yourself exactly as you are, with all your quirks, flaws, strengths, and uniqueness. You are one of a kind—and that’s more than enough. I had to learn to accept things—and myself—as they are, including moments of self-doubt. It’s okay to feel inadequate sometimes; often, allowing ourselves those moments opens the door to something beautiful. So, let’s start with acceptance. Accept that you sometimes feel small and insignificant. I’m not a fan of those seemingly perfect people on social media who act like they’re always happy, flawless, and have everything together. Let’s be honest: everyone has bad days, dark thoughts, and moments of frustration. And that’s perfectly okay! It’s part of being human. We are emotional—and let’s be real, pretty amazing—beings.

The Origin of Self-Worth

So, why do we feel this way? The answer often lies in our past: self-worth is shaped during childhood. Imagine your parents (or other significant caregivers) as mirrors. What they reflect back to you forms your self-image. Plenty of love and encouragement? Great, you likely developed a stable sense of self-worth. Criticism or lack of attention? That might make your inner critic especially loud. But don’t worry—this can be changed. It’s easier than it feels right now.

The Nervous System and Childhood

Here’s one of my favorite topics! 🎉 Your nervous system plays a massive role here. As a child, it learns how to react to the world. Every second of your life, your nervous system seeks one thing: safety. If you were comforted and loved often? Your system relaxed—it felt safe. If there was constant stress? Your system became programmed for "alarm." The good news? You can teach your nervous system to calm down, even as an adult.

The Brain and Memory Networks

Your brain stores everything—good and bad experiences—forming patterns. Positive memories make you shine, while negative ones can cast an uncomfortable shadow. These patterns are like drawers in your brain that open automatically. Good news: you can rearrange those drawers. It takes time, but it’s worth it. 

Why "Not Good Enough" Often Feels Unconscious

These doubts are so deeply rooted that we barely notice them. They show up as: Perfectionism Excessive self-criticism The need to please everyone Once you recognize these patterns, you’ve already taken the first step. High five to that! ✋

The Interaction Between the Nervous System and Self-Worth

Stress and self-worth don’t mix. When your nervous system is stressed, everything feels harder. Imagine your nervous system is like a traffic light: Green: You feel great and safe. Yellow: Stress creeps in; worry, restlessness, or defensiveness arises. Red: Overwhelmed, your system signals danger, leading to resignation, depression, or even emotional numbness. 

Signs You Feel "Not Good Enough"

Let’s be real—who doesn’t know this feeling? Check out these clues:

  • You’re your harshest critic.

  • Accepting compliments is tough.

  • You feel the need to constantly prove yourself.

Self-doubt is a sneaky little saboteur. It complicates relationships, holds you back from taking big steps, and makes you frequently question yourself. 

Why You Are Actually Good Enough Because you are YOU. Your uniqueness is your superpower. Imagine if everyone were the same—how boring would that be? Your worth isn’t tied to what you achieve; it lies in the fact that you exist. Let that sink in.

Exercise: Hugging Your Inner Child

Take a moment for yourself. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Imagine meeting your younger self. Speak lovingly to them: "I’m here. You are safe. You are good enough just as you are." If it feels right, imagine hugging this younger version of yourself, giving them the love and attention they need.

Long-Term Strategies to Boost Self-Worth

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity and connect with yourself.

  • Mindfulness: Take small moments of calm in your day—walks, deep breaths, or meditation work wonders.

  • Therapy or Coaching: Seeking professional guidance is a sign of courage, not weakness.

Hey, you are truly one of a kind—and that’s fantastic! You don’t have to be perfect to be valuable. Start celebrating yourself and leave the doubts behind. And always remember: You are more than enough. Period.

Let’s Connect

If you find yourself stuck in "not good enough" thoughts, it’s not a sign something’s wrong with you—it’s your system asking for support.

Reach out to me for a free consultation to explore how EMDR, hypnosis, or embodiment techniques can help you feel empowered and safe again.

📧 Email: Instagram: @shedoescoaching

You deserve to feel good enough. And I can’t wait to support you on your journey. ❤️

Until then,
Maria 🌟


1. Why do I often feel not good enough?
Because old patterns can run deep. These feelings often stem from experiences in childhood or past events that shaped your self-perception. The good news is: you can change them!

2. Can I really improve my self-worth?
Absolutely! With small, consistent steps and patience, you can build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. It’s a journey worth taking!

3. What is the inner child?
The inner child represents the emotions, memories, and experiences from your early years. It’s a vital part of you that carries both the joys and wounds of your past, influencing how you feel and react in the present.

4. How often should I do the inner child exercise?
As often as it feels right for you. Regular practice can help heal old wounds and strengthen your connection with yourself, but the key is to listen to your needs and proceed at your own pace.

5. What can I do if I’m not making progress?
If you feel stuck, consider seeking support from a coach or therapist. Professional guidance can help you uncover deeper patterns, break through barriers, and find new ways to move forward. Asking for help is a sign of strength and self-care.

We can...

Your life won’t wait—it’s time to be brave. Contact me now and start your journey toward a more self-determined you.

I am Maria | Shedoescoaching

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Conclusion: Understanding your triggers is the key to a self-determined and fulfilling life. Don’t let old wounds or unconscious reactions control you any longer. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can break through emotional blockages and discover a stronger, freer version of yourself.

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